Aforementioned NEW piece by Michael Wachs!!
Now available


Challenging Marimba quartet with a contemporary
chordal flare.
Rhythmic and dramatic tempo changes with flowing smooth traditions compliment this energetic piece.

Play an Audio clip of Aforementioned

A challenging mallet percussion quartet, In Circles displays intricate melodic counterpoint between parts in a Baroque-style round with a contemporary touch. This piece may be played without a conductor, and performers should face each other, towards the center of the circle of instruments. Instrumentation: xylophone, vibraphone, marimba 1, marimba 2 – (low A). Advanced high school/college.

“In Circles” is now available at Honey Rock, Steve Weiss, and
Theodore Front’s websites.

Play a Video clip of In Circles

Scored for xylophone and three marimbas (one 4 1/3 octave required) this contemporary RAG features all the players, this is not just a solo with accompaniment, but rather offers appealing interaction between all the voices.  Fun to play and audience friendly as well. high school/college.


Play an Audio clip of Moonshine Rag